When you apply for an insurance quote from any company, you will receive a comprehensive document highlighting all the major points, such as the premium that the company will charge from you, the deductible, and any other important things of note. If you are...
Here Are Three Good Reasons Why You Should Never Skimp on Car Insurance
Insurance for your car is one of those things we all have to have. It can seem tempting to go with the bare minimum. Saving a bit of cash in the short term, in a lot of circumstances, is in fact a wise move. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, "A penny saved is a...
Why Companies Need To Buy Commercial Insurance In Fort Myers
In Florida, business insurance helps owners protect their investments more fully. Commercial policies offer coverage for the business property, company vehicles, inventory, and cash stored on location. The required amount of coverage depends on the business type and...
3 Ways a Commercial Property is Valued for Insurance Purposes
By law, you are required to purchase several types of insurance coverage. For your protection, you are also encouraged to purchase a few others. Insurance is a two way street, especially for business owners when the climate is litigious. Among the policies you have to...
The Relationship of Daylight Saving Time to Automotive Insurance Claims in Spring, TX
Some people hate the change from standard time to daylight saving time every spring, while others don't care at all. Statistics indicate that traffic accidents happen more often right after this change because drivers are functioning on less sleep. Vehicle owners want...